I am joining
What is Lifescouts you ask? Well:
Lifescouts is a badge-collecting community of people who share their real-world experiences online (x)
Similar to if/when you were in the Boy Scouts or Brownies or whatever you called it, and you got a badge for learning a new skill, Lifescouts is a way to collect badges for life experiences. You can do it through Tumblr, Twitter or, like me, on a blog, or you can even collect actual real-life badges! I'm rather tempted by some of the badges.
It was created by Alex Day off of YouTube and he talks about it
I think this would be a great way to inspire my blogposts, give me something to talk about, and let you get to know me that much better. I'm going to post the first month's ones here (the ones that apply to me obv) and then after that I will probably post when I have 'collected' around 4 or 5 badges.
French Language Badge |
I have read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in French. I'm currently working my way through the whole Harry Potter series en français.
Empire State Building Badge |
New York City is one of my favourite places in the world. I first visited and went up the ESB when I was 16. It is a bit of a blur, my whole first visit to NYC. The second time was on my third visit to New York last year with my sister. The weather was bitterly cold but the
views were spectacular. Despite it being a tourist trap, it is an absolute must see for the views of Manhattan and beyond. I definitely recommend going early in the morning to miss the queues.
Driving Badge |
I passed my test first time, with only 4 minors. I have now been driving 6 years. I have a red Fiat 500, which started out life as Polly, but is now called Mario. He would like you to respect his life choices ;).
Scuba-Diving Badge |
I am a qualified BS-AC Sports Diver. I have been diving properly since I was 14, but had tried diving possibly as early as 8 in the pool with my dad's kit. I have dived mainly in British waters, but also in Tenerife. Since university, I rarely dive, though I still sometimes go to my dad's club to say hi. One day I want to dive on the Great Barrier Reef, and in other more tropical climes than British waters.
Mona Lisa Badge |
I have seen the Mona Lisa in person in the Lourve Museum, Paris, when I was 17ish on a school trip. I was slightly underwhelmed by it, to be honest. It is a really small painting. I thought it would be much bigger. We also weren't allowed to get very close to it because of the security around it. The museum itself though is a great one. I really want to go back and take my time wandering around it.
Niagara Falls Badge |
I visited the Niagara Falls during a school trip to Canada in 2004. We had visited Quebec, Montréal and Toronto. We went to the Niagara Falls on our last day. We took a trip on the Maid of the Mist into the Falls, all looking fetching in our ponchos! But as the ponchos didn't quite cover us down to our feet, we ended up catching the flight home with damp trousers from the knees down! It was awe-inspiring to see though. Also, Canada is very proud of the fact that their side of the Falls is bigger than America's!
Eiffel Tower Badge |
I have been up the Eiffel Tower a few times. I can't remember when the first time was though. But we definitely got the lift! I have also been up it once with school (same trip as the Mona Lisa visit). Like with the ESB above, the views of Paris are amazing.
Big Ben Badge |
I'm going to take this as visiting London. I have been to London many times. I even applied to 2 universities there back in the day. I got to see some of the
London Olympics last year, which was amazing, and this year I'll be going to LeakyCon there!!!
So, there we go. Let me know if you start collecting your own Lifescout badges. I'd love to know what you have 'collected' and how!